Friday 26 July 2013

Is he Jesus?

Throughout human history people have claimed to be be Jesus. You can read about the latest claimant (if you really want to!) here.

How do we know what to make of his claim? Here's one test: do the winds and the waves obey him? If he was the real thing they would. Because they did when the real Jesus walked this earth. Here's how my favourite children's Bible puts it:
The wind and waves recognized Jesus' voice. (They had heard it before, of course - it was the same voice that made them, in the very beginning). They listened to Jesus and they did what he said. Immediately the wind stopped. The water calmed down.    
If Alan John Miller is the real Jesus he will be able to do the same. No reports have reached me that he has. But reports have reached me that Jesus of Nazareth stopped the wind and waves with just one rebuke. Read an eye-witness report for yourself here.