Friday 17 October 2014

Thinking Christianly about Halloween

Halloween is on the way, and now is a great time to start thinking about how you and your house / family are going to approach it this year. Here's a handful of resources that will hopefully help you to do that:

Our friends at Dundonald church in London have produced this helpful video containing some real wisdom about how to think, and especially how to help our children to think about the whole thing.

If you want to get hold of leaflets like the ones Ed mentions in this video 10ofthose and thegoodbookco both have good selections.

Another helpful look at the subject is this blog post Should Christians celebrate Halloween?

And for a poetic take on the event and some of the history behind trick or treating - check out Glen Scrivener's video below.

And don't forget - as a church family we will be hosting an Autumn Bright Lights Party on Saturday 1st November at the Red Maids' School, 3.30-5pm, with fun and games and arts and crafts for children aged 3-11, and with a cafe for parents to enjoy drinks and cakes during the party. Invitation cards are available at church on Sunday, do grab a handful and invite friends and neighbours (for more info about this event get in touch with Jim Walford).