Thursday 8 May 2014

'Making disciples' in North Korea?

Two weeks we heard the call from the Lord, in his authority, to "go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them... and teaching them to obey..." (Matt 28:16-20).  Last week (at Westbury) we heard about how that has been happening in Peru and Latin America.  But what about the places we can't go to?  What about North Korea?

Well, the door may be shut but we can still ask Jesus, to whom all authority has been given, to be making disciples in the places we can't yet reach, and to be giving to aid the work of others.  Open Doors, an organisation serving persecuted Christians worldwide, has produced a prayer guide (available for free online here) to help us in our prayers, and you can give financially to support the disciple makers who are already there.

Order your prayer guide now.