Tuesday 3 January 2012

Staying alive in 2012...

In John 6:63 Jesus says to his disciples "The Words I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life. Yet there are some of you who do not believe."

I believe Jesus' words are spirit and life, I believe I need to hear them, obey them and meditate on them daily in order to really live. But I also seriously struggle to actually get on and regularly read them. Sometimes I struggle so much I wonder whether I really believe what Jesus said about the vital life giving nature of his own words.

And it seems I'm not the only one who struggles with this. In fact I've not met many Christians who don't.

So, at the start of this new year why not (re)commit yourself to this struggle, and encourage a Brother or Sister to struggle alongside you too? Let's commit to holding one another to what we know to be true - that we need the life giving words of the Bible daily.

Here are some resources you might find a help in the struggle:

1. This 3 year Bible reading plan. This plan was designed by Tim Chester to be a bit more realistic and flexible than many others. It allocates a passage to read each week, rather than each day, and it takes you through the Old Testament once and New Testament twice in 3 years. A number of us in the church family will be starting this together this week, so this could be a great way to keep each other going. (I'll have printed copies of this plan with me to give out on Sunday.)     

2. The Good Book Company have made some great resources available for free online, like this magazine and this short guide to daily Bible reading, as well as free samples of their Bible reading notes - Tabletalk for families, eXplore The Bible for 7-10's, Discover for 11-13's, Engage for 14-18's and Explore for adults. They've produced some good videos too to go with their new 'Open Up the Bible' drive. 

3. If a book would be more of a help to get you into God's word, Ed's top recommendation is A Shelter in the time of Storm, by Paul David Tripp, this is a book of short and sweet daily devotions designed to see you through each day. Another book many have found a great help is Step by Step, by John Eddison, which contains a year's worth of devotions for the whole family.  

4. At Red Maids' every Sunday is a resources table, full of books and CD's that are there for you to freely borrow and use as much as you like. Be sure to check it out on Sunday. 

There are some great resources out there (if you've found others you'd recommend, post a link in the comments below), so let's make the most of them and experience the life giving power of God's word this year.

The law of the LORD is perfect, 
   reviving the soul. 
The statutes of the LORD are trustworthy, 
   making wise the simple. 
The precepts of the LORD are right, 
   giving joy to the heart. 
The commands of the LORD are radiant, 
   giving light to the eyes. 
The fear of the LORD is pure, 
   enduring forever. 
The ordinances of the LORD are sure 
   and altogether righteous. 
They are more precious than gold, 
   than much pure gold; 
they are sweeter than honey, 
   than honey from the comb. 
By them is your servant warned; 
   in keeping them there is great reward. 

Ps 19:7-11