While Christians have been saying this for a while, mainstream secular media has also been increasingly highlighting the dangers too. BBC 5live recently hosted a phone in on the topic and several callers shared their own stories of finding themselves desperately trapped by porn.
If you know porn is hooking you in, don't ignore it or downplay it, get help to fight back. Start with some of the excellent help available online. Ask a friend to use Covenant Eyes with you (on your computer and your phone). For an introductory read get hold of Tim Chester's excellent book Captured by a Better Vision, or for something that gets more deeply to the root of your struggle check out Wired for Intimacy by William M Struthers. Above all, be honest with someone, commit to praying and battling together.
Whatever you do, don't think porn is an issue that doesn't affect you, it does. People you know are struggling with it - studies suggest one in 3 Christians, and whether it affects you directly or not, porn is shaping the culture you live in. It affects us all.