We learned a new song on Sunday. Singing it together was a great way to imagine ourselves into the shoes of those first disciples and feel for ourselves the shock of encountering Jesus' amazing power over nature for the first time, as well as remembering why there is no better place to put our trust this week than in him.
You can listen to the song here, or read the words below.
See the stricken boat
As it is tossed upon the sea;
Hear the fearful cries
That wake the man from Galilee.
He stands before the raging,
Speaks peace and harmony:
Winds and waves obey,
He is the man who calmed the sea.
Hear among the crowds
A desperate father's anguished plea:
"Heal my dying child"
He begs the man from Galilee.
With words that banish sorrow
"Don't fear, but just believe...
Daughter - live again!"
Commands the man who calmed the sea.
And as she stands before them
What joy from agony!
He's the Master and the Maker,
He's the man who calmed the sea.
Feel the bitter pall
That shrouds the hill of Calvary;
High upon the cross
There hangs the man from Galilee.
The earth it quakes with sorrow,
The sky grows dark with grief;
All creation mourns
To lose the man who calmed the sea.
But, no, death could not hold Him,
The stone is rolled away!
For He's the Master and the Maker,
He's the man who calmed the sea.
Now I hear the call
That echoes down through history:
“Come, deny yourself,
Take up your cross and follow Me.
Through every joy and sorrow
My grace is all you’ll need.
Trust me in the storm
For I’m the man who calms the sea.”
No fear shall overwhelm me,
For Lord, I do believe
You're the Master and the Maker,
You're the man who calms the sea.
I’ll trust You for tomorrow
And seek You for today:
For You're the Master and the Maker,
You're the man who calmed/s the sea.
Stuart Townend & Gary Sadler © 2011 Thankyou Music & Paintbrush Music