Christian persecution in Bangladesh
Type of persecution:
Persecution is driven by radical Islamic beliefs within society. Christians converts from Islam have long faced pressure from families and religious leaders, but now those born into Christian communities are also at risk. Some owners of shops and businesses have received death threats if they do not comply with a list of eight Islamic rules. Violence has also increased: as well as the shooting in a Dhaka cafe, in the past year several Christians were killed for their faith, the names of church leaders appeared on a list with death threats, and a pastor was stabbed. Nine churches had to close in 2015 due to security concerns.
• Situated in Asia
• Total population 159,555,000
• 89% Muslim, 0.4% Christian
• Government is a Parliamentary democracy
• Constitution guarantees freedom of religion, but also confirms that the state religion is Islam, and the government often gives in to Islamic pressure.
Type of persecution:
Persecution is driven by radical Islamic beliefs within society. Christians converts from Islam have long faced pressure from families and religious leaders, but now those born into Christian communities are also at risk. Some owners of shops and businesses have received death threats if they do not comply with a list of eight Islamic rules. Violence has also increased: as well as the shooting in a Dhaka cafe, in the past year several Christians were killed for their faith, the names of church leaders appeared on a list with death threats, and a pastor was stabbed. Nine churches had to close in 2015 due to security concerns.
A prayer to pray:
O Lord God,
your Son Jesus Christ suffered and died for us.
In his resurrection
he restores life and peace in all creation.
Comfort, we pray, all victims of intolerance
and those oppressed by their fellow humans.
Remember in your kingdom those who have died.
Lead the oppressors towards compassion
and give hope to the suffering.
Through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
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