A study recently found that one of the top factors contributing to adult faith is the number and breadth of relationships made as a child or teenager with other Christians in church.
This means that, though you may not be on the youth or Junior church team, may not have kids of your own, may not be young, may not be cool... You have a really important part to play!
So, 3 thoughts:
1. If you care about our children and young people keeping going following Jesus, you can help them to do that simply by getting to know them. Could you make a start this Sunday? (answer - yes, just stop one and talk to them!)
2. If you are a child or young person, let other members of the church family talk to you! They are not checking up on you, they're doing it because they care about you.
3. If you have children or young people of your own, and you want them to keep going following Jesus - encourage them to get to know other members of the church family.
HT: the good book blog