For me, the reasons
abound (though I fear the reality is they’re often more excuses than thought-through
reasons). But one thing we did conclude –
we just don’t pray. Setting aside time each
day to talk to our Father is a struggle.
Remembering during the day to send up an arrow prayer just doesn’t come
naturally. And praying in public –
corporate prayer – just doesn’t really make it onto the priorities list; it’s
awkward (we don’t know what to say and fear what others will make of it when we
do), it’s effort (inconvenient, requiring more energy than we can muster) and
it’s distinctly unimpressive.
Yet Tuesday evening,
to my surprise, was the highlight of my week.
Even better than the chocolate I had left at home.

And as we
prayed, the evening went from feeling insignificant to truly grand. We knew the presence of God with us, marvelled
at the truths of the gospel we were praying, and got involved with the Spirit’s
work across the whole world – bringing about Jesus’ Kingdom.
And now I
get why previous generations build their weeks around such prayer meetings –
because they believe that prayer works, that praying for God’s Kingdom to come
is a prayer he loves to answer. And as
we prayed, I was reminded of the scale of God’s plan that put my struggles in
perspective and lifted my eyes to the one who truly is the best King.
Join us:
Thursday 17th
September, 8pm – prayer for Muslims in the UK and around the world (dinner from
Tuesday 13th
October, 7am (on the way to work) – prayer for across the globe