Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Living with Doubt?

This Sunday we're going to thinking about doubt together. Why?

'If the object of our faith were as elusive as the Loch Ness monster or as inconsequential as whether to have a third cup of tea, then doubt makes little difference. But since the object of Christain faith is God, to believe or disbelieve is everything - at some points literally a matter of life and death. Thus the market value of doubt for the Christian is extremely high. Find out how seriously a believer takes his or her doubts and you have the index of how seriously he or she takes faith. For the Christian, doubt is not the same as unbelief, but neither is it divorced from it. Continued doubt loosens the believer's hold on the resources and privileges of faith and can be the prelude to the disasters of unbelief. So doubt is never treated as trivial.'

Os Guiness, God in the Dark, p.29.

So do join us at 10.30am at Ashley Down or 4pm at Westbury.