Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Ben's back!

For the past 6 months or so we've been praying for Ben - who has been overseas working with local Christians in Central Asia. He's now back in Bristol - here's some reflections from Ben on his time away: 

Having just got back from my time in Central Asia, it’s been good to have some time to reflect on my time there. It was a hugely worthwhile time, not just from a language point of view, but also in terms of what God was teaching me through His word and the people He had placed around me.

It was good to learn from those who had spent many years in the country working with leaders in local fellowships as well as unbelieving locals. Seeing their faithful perseverance to local peoples’ spiritual needs, despite often fruitless periods, was a great example to follow. It was a particular challenge to start thinking about what God’s people might look like in another context, as they seek to achieve the balance of being culturally relevant (without being unnecessarily ‘western’) whilst guarding faithfulness to Biblical standards at the same time. It was also a real privilege to get alongside believers in the context of student groups, seeing many of them with a real desire to faithfully grapple with the truths of God’s word and share their faith with others, despite the difficulties they face. It struck me how the Good News we have really has changed, and indeed is changing lives, all over the world.

I enjoyed having the opportunity to get to know several locals, mainly through the language centre where I taught English and studied Russian. I found sharing the gospel is a real challenge there, mainly due to the language barrier and the fact that people are coming from a really different mindset to most in the UK. However, in God’s grace people are coming to know Him – a particular example of God’s sovereignty in people’s salvation was in the seemingly strange situation in which one local Russian friend became a believer through an Afghan refugee, who God had in turn brought to Himself through a Malaysian worker!

Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers over this past year, I am really looking forward to being back in Bristol this coming year and being back involved at Emmanuel.
