Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Halloween - what should we do?

Some really helpful answers to this question from our friends Dundonald church in London:

For precisely the reasons Ed talks about in this video, this year some members of the Emmanuel church family have organised an Autumn Bright Lights party. It will be taking place in the Denmark Hall at Red Maids on Saturday 27th October between 4 - 6pm. There will be activities for kids aged 3-12, with prizes and a raffle as well as a cafe for parents and the rest of the family.

So let's get inviting friends, neighbours colleagues and their families along to this event, and whether you'll be bringing friends or not please do come along yourself, this will be a great time of pulling together as a whole church family to serve and connect with our local community.

If you'd like to help out or find out any more about this party get in touch with Carolyn Wilson at Emmanuel Westbury or Naomi Parker at Emmanuel Ashley Down.