I keep on recommending Sally Lloyd-Jones' Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing to people. It contains 101 reflective thoughts on the Gospel. They are aimed at children but I've been enjoying them too and have particularly recommended them to people going through hard times and struggling to read their Bibles or connect with the Gospel in other ways. The book beautifully and powerfully speaks the Good News into your life in new ways. One example is below - together with a rather grand promotional video that highlights the incredible artwork you'll enjoy too.
There is a story from the American Civil War of a Northerner who bought a young slave girl at a slave auction. As they left the auction, the man turned to the girl and said, "You're free!"She turned to him in amazement. "You mean I'm free to do whatever I want?""Yes," he said."And to say whatever I want to say?""Yes, anything.""And to be whatever I want to be?""Yes!""And even go wherever I want to go?""Yes!" He laughed. "You're free to go wherever you'd like!"She looked at him intently and replied, "Then I will go with you."Sally Lloyd-Jones, Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing, p.118.