Tuesday 1 July 2014

Students: Who do you love?

After a weekend away on holiness at home and with friends, how are we doing? Back home for a couple of weeks and already struggling to hold your tongue with your mum? Turned back into the grumpy, sofa-loving teenager of old? Returned to the same dubious habits with friends? Ask yourself this question: “who do you love?”

In John 14:15, Jesus says ‘If you love me, you will obey what I command.’ Who do you love? A holy life is a life of love – love for Jesus, who died to give us life! And your love for him will be plain to see as you obey his commands.

The problem is it’s hard. It’s all too easy to love ourselves, the football or our iphones and obey them. A couple of weeks into the holiday and we may be close to giving up. Here are 3 encouragements to keep us going:

1) Sometimes it’s hard to answer that question ‘who do you love?’. Jesus is not always the obvious answer. And when that’s the case we stop obeying him. Well, turn to him in prayer and listen to him speak to you in his Word. How has your Bible reading been since the change of routine back home? Cultivate your relationship with him, love him, and you will obey his commands.

2) Left to us obedience would be impossible. But we need not be defeatist because God is at work in us. Wonderfully, we are not alone! Jesus goes on to say that he will ask His Father to give us ‘the Spirit of truth’ (v17a) who will live in us (v17c) and be with us forever (v16) teaching us the way of godliness (v26). We have the Spirit working in us. Keep working at obeying Jesus because we know God himself is at work in us by his Spirit.

3) We also have friends to help us in the fight. Friends from Emmanuel, CU, home churches or camp. Hebrews 10:24 says ‘let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds’. We all need friends to spur us on to love Jesus more and obey his commands. Are we being that kind of friend? Our Christian friends need us to be. So why not pick up your copy of the church summer book True Friendship? See what it looks like to be a good friend and to spur one another on. And as we do that our lives will show that there can only be one answer to that question ‘who do you love?’ Jesus Christ.

If you missed it at the weekend away or at Emmanuel, get your copy of True Friendship here.