Friday, 27 February 2015

How to read the Bible for all its worth

(Two separate courses, meeting under one roof)  

Thursdays 8:00-9:30pm, March 12th, 19th and 26th 

Do you have a nagging feeling that you ought to read the Bible more?  But you’re not exactly sure why.  And if you’re not exactly sure why something’s worth doing it’s hard to set the alarm and get up early for it. 

Someone once told me that the reason I ought to read the Bible was because it was God’s instruction manual.  But that didn’t do it for me.  I mean, who reads instruction manuals?

Turns out the Bible is God’s love letter. 

In the Bible the LORD is sharing His heart with His people:  He is telling us what He is like; what He loves; what He hates; how He feels about us; the plans He has for our future together.  For me, that changed everything.  Reading a letter from someone who loves you is not a chore that you tick off once done.  It’s a delight.   And that’s what we’re hoping to rediscover over the three weeks: delight in God’s Word.

Each week will have three main ingredients. 

1) We’re going to look at what that Bible says about itself (how it is all about Christ, how it nourishes our souls, how it transforms our lives).
2) We’re going to share some tips on how to make sense of a bible passage to get the most out of it. 

3) We’re going to apply what we’re learning to one particular book of the Bible so that by the end of the course we feel at home and in it and see for ourselves that when it comes to reading the Bible for all its worth, you don’t need to be a scholar with a pile of commentaries, you just need to be a Christian with the Spirit of God to help you.

Come and discover why reading the Bible is worth setting the alarm for.

To book a place on "How to read the Bible for all its worth" and get details about the venue, email Mike Cain on by 13:00, Wednesday 4th March