Friday, 17 April 2015

Fancy a coffee?

In the Bible we are introduced to a God whose creativity knows no bounds, and whose every creation is 'very good' (Genesis 1). Jesus famously said that he came 'that people might have life - and have it to the full' (John 10:10). Paul writing to the young pastor Timothy reminds him to teach his church 'to put their hope in God - who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.' (1 Tim 6:17)

But often our friends hear our invitation to consider the claims of Jesus as a call to choose the vanilla option in a world full of much more exciting choices. That shouldn't be!

Which is why over the next few months we are going to be hosting a series of events designed to help us share both our friends' passion for great food and drink, and also to share something of the good God who invented espresso, pulled pork and Pinot Noir. 

The first event will be a morning of coffee tasting on Saturday May 9th (10-11.30am at Alma Church Hall). We'll sample some of the best coffees around, and be joined by an industry expert who will help us to appreciate what we're tasting, talk about how our coffee gets to us, how we can buy it responsibly, and how to get the best out of it at home. There'll be a bitesize talk connecting the wonderful world of coffee with the God who has made himself known in Jesus, and lots of time for you to chat with others and introduce friends to one another. 

To cover costs, we're suggesting a donation of £5 on the door, but please don't let a shortage of funds keep you away, we'd rather have you and your friends there than your money. So we know numbers, if you are coming please could you drop Sim an email on

On June 12th we'll be hosting a 'Butcher and Beer' evening, and in the autumn we are planning a wine tasting evening. If you'd like to know more or help with making any of these events happen please email Ian on