Monday 15 February 2016

What's wrong with us? Further Resources

Yesterday we finished our series Glorious Ruins: What it means to be human by asking the question What's wrong with us? You can listen to the answers from Genesis 3 preached by Carl Bicknell at EW here. For a more detailed look at Genesis 3 you could listen to two talks Mike has given in the past here (3:1-13) and here (3:14-24).

The book that has helped me most in understanding Genesis 1-3 is one by the French scholar Henri Blocher called: In the Beginning - The Opening Chapters of Genesis. If you want to dig deeper with the help of a serious scholar his would be the book to get hold of here.

A more accessible chance to think about the issues we touched on further would be Vaughan Roberts' God's Big Design: Life as he intends it to be available here.