Each year we encourage everyone in the church families of Emmanuel Bristol to read a book over the summer - on the beach or over lunchtimes at work, with another Christian whilst on holiday or meeting up together each Saturday morning during July or August.
We spend a lot of time trying to find a book that is biblical, relevant, readable, short and affordable. We're confident we've found it it this new book by Ed Welch: Side by Side: Walking with Others in Wisdom and Love.
It's biblical: fleshing out what obeying the New Testament's "one anothers" and what "speaking the truth in love" looks like in practice.
It's relevant: helping us with some of the things we struggle to do most - having genuine conversations with each other after church on Sunday, knowing what to say when someone shares news of a family tragedy.
It's readable: made up of nice short chapters written well and with questions to reflect on/ discuss at the end of each chapter. We hope these questions will encourage people to meet up and talk about what they've been reading (you might like to do this in your small group over August).
It's short: just 176 pages with spaced out text!
It's affordable: the RRP is £10.99 - we've got a deal that will get you a copy for £6.
What do you need to do now? Bring £6 to church on Sunday to get your copy at this special rate. Can't wait? You can order a more expensive copy here.