"The good news of Jesus is something we all have a part in sharing. Through our everyday lives – in the local playground, at the bus stop or over a cup of tea – we all have amazing opportunities to introduce people to Jesus.
We won't always be sure how it will be received, but the Christian message must be proclaimed. Romans 10:141 says:
And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?In this country we've got the freedom and privilege of being able to speak up and demonstrate the love of God and the transforming power of Jesus in our communities.
We want to give you confidence to speak up. Sometimes Christians may face hostility or rejection, but we also have many rights and freedoms. This resource aims to equip Christians wishing to share their faith by providing a clearer understanding of the current legal freedoms we have."
You can access the booklet they've kindly produced here.