Friday, 25 November 2016

Exclusive author interview

Church family member Alice Ievins (ECC) has just had her first book published: Sarah's Footsteps. We've managed to get this exclusive interview: 

How long have you been writing for?

I have always been a writer in my spare time as it helps me unwind and I really enjoy it! I have copies of books I wrote when I was four. My first full scale novel was written when I was 11 and was about a magician's apprentice who was bad at magic. However Sarah's Footsteps is the first novel that I've got published and also the first book I've written for other people rather than myself. 

What made you decide to write Sarah's Footsteps?

I have often thought that fiction is a very powerful tool and can greatly influence our thoughts and perspectives in life. However it seems to be greatly lacking in Christian evangelism and encouragement. I have read very few good Christian fiction books and none which have encouraged me to read the Bible more. I wanted to change that. Especially when I know so many people who struggle to read non- fiction. I tried to keep Sarah's Footsteps very short (for me at least!) so that it could be accessible to as many people as possible.

I also come across the same problems again and again with my conversations with students, especially those on the cusp of becoming Christians, which make them hesitate before taking the last step. These often revolve around the lack of a sign or 'spiritual experience' which they expected from God to either prove He was true, or to show they were accepted by Him. Many student new-Christians feel inferior to their brothers and sisters in CU if they have not had special experiences or individual revelations. I desperately wanted to address that and decided to feature the book of Esther to help me.

Personally, in the fourth year of my own university experience I started to have doubts about my own faith for the first time and had a massive 'wobble' in what I believed. There was no lightning bolt moment that fixed that and it has been a gradual regain of faith, but I decided to start writing Sarah's Footsteps to help remind me why Christianity was true and what amazing things I'd seen in my uni days to confirm this.

And finally I have seen so many students come to faith both during my uni days and after. I wanted to both urge Christians at university to seize this unique opportunity to evangelise, but also encourage those far away from the uni bubble that people are still becoming Christians and that God is still moving powerfully in this country. I know so many older people who love so dearly to hear of those who have recently become Christians.

What is Sarah's Footsteps about?

The novel follows a year in the life of 'Izzy' who becomes a fresher at Bristol University. Despite having a close Christian friend in her past, she's very anti and ignorant of Christianity, mostly because she doesn't like being told what to do. At Bristol she starts to see many hypocrisies in our culture and her friends around her which make her question everything about her own identity and the way she wants to live her life. Through her flat mate Anna, a Christian who feels frequently out of her depth, and her Hall CU reps Josh and Fran, Izzy investigates the Christian faith through Bible studies and discussion. Finally she realises that Jesus' cross changes everything and that is something she wants to live by.

Who would you recommend Sarah's Footsteps to?

Anyone over the age of 15. I wouldn't recommend it to children under that age due to some of the mature themes that are discussed. It is predominantly aimed at school sixth formers, and students, but is certainly not limited to those groups. It is aimed to be both encouraging to Christians and accessible to non-Christians.

Is there anything we can do to help?

Yes! Please pray that people will use it as a tool to build up faith in others. Please also pray that it will push non-Christians to become Christians.Finally if you read it and enjoy it, please write me a review on amazon or goodreads. I am always happy to be contacted about any issues in my book that people want to discuss.

You can buy your copy here.