Thursday, 2 February 2017

Everyday Discipleship

Jesus has called us to follow him everyday - and with everything. All in response to everything that he has already done for us.

But we really struggle to do this and so during March we will be seeking to help each other in three particular everyday contexts where we often fail to follow him most. In:
  • Understanding our Bibles
  • Helping the needy
  • Using our money 
Over four Thursday evenings (7.45pm for 8-9.30pm on 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th March) we will be running three courses to encourage and equip each other in our everyday discipleship in these particular areas. We'd like everyone across the Emmanuel church families to consider signing up for one of these four-week options.

For further details - and to sign up - please keep reading:

1) How to read the Bible for all it is worth

The Bible is God’s sweet gift to all His people, but many of us are missing out because we feel ill-equipped to open it up and read it. The aim of this course is to give us confidence that, with the help of the Holy Spirit and with some simple tips on what to look out for, we can all enjoy feasting on God’s Word for ourselves. 

This course will be taking place at the Church of Good Shepherd BS7 8NA.

2) Helping without Hurting

Thinking together about questions like - How should we as churches respond to the social needs of our city? What does the Bible say about ‘social action’? What kinds of charities should we support? What is the best way to help alleviate poverty? Should I give money to people who ask me for it on the street? 

This course will be running at the Emmanuel Meeting House BS1 2NN.

3) The CAP Money Course 

Will teach you budgeting skills and a simple, cash-based system that works. Whether you feel pretty organised or whether it's like a lucky dip every time you try to withdraw cash from your account, the CAP Money Course will help you take complete control of your finances so you can budget, save and prevent debt.

This course will also be taking place at the Meeting House BS1 2NN.

Sign up for one these courses here.