Friday, 10 February 2017

Why we should fear the LORD?

Our series in Isaiah has kept calling us to fear the LORD and to see this as a good thing. Why? German pastor, theologian and martyr Dietrich Bonhoeffer helps us:
...the first command of the gospel. "Fear God and you will have nothing less to fear." Don't fear other people. Don't fear violence and power, even when it comes to you personally and can rob you of your life. Don't fear the high and mighty in the world. Don't fear yourself. Don't fear your sins. All these fears will die. From all these fears you will be set free. For they are no longer there. But fear God and him alone. For he has the power over all the powers of this world. The whole world is in fear of God. He has the power to give us life or to destroy us. All other powers are a mere game. God alone is real, seriously real. Fear God seriously and "give him the glory." 
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Christmas Sermons, p.111.